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A Quick Course in Chakra Healing


Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “”Wheel” or “Circle.” There are seven Chakra, known as energy centers, located along the spine. Their function is to

absorb energy both from our immediate environment which in turn radiates this energy back throughout our bodies. Chakra healing is designed to keep our

chakras balanced, resulting in a feeling of healthy well-being. When our chakras are out of balance we feel out of salts and low. These seven chakras, in modern

physiology, match the seven nerve ganglia arising from the spinal column. Each of the seven has a separate meaning, combined with a specific color and mantra

(a word, prayer, sound or phrase that is concentrated on during meditation). Here are the seven.


The First Chakra: The Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine. Its meaning is grounding and survival and its color is red.


The Second Chakra: The Creative Chakra is located about 2 inches below the naval. Its meaning is creativity and pleasure and its color is orange.


The Third Chakra: The Solar Plexus is located at the solar plexus and its meaning is will power and motivation and its

color is yellow.


The Fourth Chakra: The Heart Charka is located at the heart and its meaning is love and relationships and its color is green.


The Fifth Chakra: The Throat chakra is located in the center of the throat and its meaning is communication

and self-expression and its color is blue.


The Sixth Chakra: The Third Eye is located at the center of the eyebrows and its meaning is wisdom

and its color is indigo.


The Seventh Chakra: The Crown Chakra is located at the crown of the head and its meaning is a

spiritual connection and belief system and its color is violet.


Get to know and recall your chakras with this simple exercise: Important: do not move on to the next exercise until you have mastered this first.

Read the First Chakra, then close your eyes and place one hand at its location on the base of your spine. As you see the color red in your mind say the words,

“This is my base chakra for grounding and survival.” Repeat this three times. Next move on to the Second Chakra and repeat the same procedure,

placing one hand two inches below your naval, close your eyes and say. “This is my creative chakra for creativity and pleasure.” Repeat this three times.

Next, repeat the same procedure for all remaining five charkas, placing your hand over the respective part of your body. You have now completed all seven chakras.


Once you have done this daily for seven days you will have placed all seven charkas, with their position in your body, their meaning and color into your

long-term memory. You can now call them up at will. Practicing this exercise at odd moments during your day will speed up the learning process.

You are now ready to practice your Chakra Mediation.


Sit in the lotus position (on the floor with legs folded) or in an upright chair with a back support. With your spine straight, hands on your lap,

feet placed firmly on the floor (not crossed) close eyes and breathe in slowly to the count of five, through your nose and out to the count of five,

through your nose. (breathe to the count of: in - 101, 102, 103, 104, 105. And out - 101, 102, 103, 104, 105.) Be alert and relaxed. Take one or two minutes

of this five in and five out breathing to become centered. Should your mind wander, gently bring it back to your breath.


Starting with first chakra, direct your breath to the base of your spine. Imagine that your breath in entering and leaving your body at the base of your spine

instead of your nose. As you breathe in mentally say “healing energy in” as your exhale say “harmful  energy out”. Do this seven times before moving

on to the second chakra.


Follow the same procedure as for the first chakra. Completely focus your breath entering about 2 in above your naval and exhaling there, all through the nose.

On the inhale repeat “healing energy in” on the exhale “harmful energy out.” Repeat this seven times. Do the above for all seven charkas. Take your time.

Should your mind wander gently bring it back to the breath.


Once you have completed all seven chakras, remain still for a minute, breathing natural. Check how good your body now feels from top to toe.

Thank yourself for taking the time to heal yourself. Do this Chakra healing at least once a week and more often when you feel the need.





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